Rabu, 15 Oktober 2014

Cinta, dan Ideologi (2)

Tretes, 27 Oktober 2014
Kita hidup di masa yang dikatakan Weber sebagai Value-Leden

Karena kadang-kadang nilai keadilan, kesetaraan, penegakan asas-asas, disiplin, intoleransi serta konsistensi dan kontinuitas terlalu mahal untuk ditegakkan.

Cinta, dan Ideologi

Tretes, 27 September 2014
Dua arus besar yang memompa darah di nadiku

         Pohon ini menua. Sama sepertiku. Tetap berakar kuat, berbatang tegap. Namun wajahnya mulai menguning emas. Daun-daunnya layu bersiap jatuh. Ranting-rantingnya rapuh bersiap patah. Namun, dari punggungnya yang mulai rebah ke tanah, ia dapat menyaksikan rumpun-rumpun bunga merekah di bawah naungannya. Ranum bermekaran. Lihatlah, dia tersenyum.

Minggu, 12 Oktober 2014

The Withered Lover

Selat Madura, Sore 11 Oktober 2014
private documentation. 
If He is your moon, I'll be your earth
to which you can return, safely or injured.
      I’m not a half man everyone has always told about. Though i’ve been wandered for many years alone. Yet, sometimes, even i could grow weary of this endless solitude. I have a heart just like the others. But further, i’m a man with a course. Taking the knife and bind myself forever to it’s purpose. But it’s not the same meaning that i deny the existence of love in life. for it have been here in the depth of my soul. Becoming a restless spirit that always capable of driving me forward.
Love, for me... represent as you.